Saturday, February 1, 2014

2014: Crazed Chameleon Reloaded

Hello again!!  I’m back in business.  It’s been awhile since I’ve written a post for Crazed Chameleon.  Many things happened in the year 2013 that took priority over writing my blog – I was involved in a musical called Eating Raoul at Tallgrass Theatre Company, I moved from my hometown of West Des Moines to Johnston, I bought a new car, I traveled to New Orleans for a wonderful and relaxing vacation, and I gained more marketing responsibilities at my job.  I also just recently went a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with my awesome family this past January.  Now it’s already February 2014 and I’m reloading Crazed Chameleon once again.  Along with the reloading process, I’m revamping it as well.

Originally, my message with this blog was to inspire readers with different styling techniques and creative outfit options when dressing.  I wanted to encourage readers to challenge themselves to think outside their box and to acknowledge the versatility every clothing item has and how it can be used in various ways. Now I want to depict the same message, but expand it to life in general.  Not only will I write about fashion (which is my primary focus), but I will discuss my other passions and interests, which include performing arts, television and film, health and fitness, hair and beauty, interior design, professional development, entertaining, and much more.  Think of it as a lifestyle blog with a motivational kick.  I have many interests and I want to share them all with you.  I love embracing life and inspiring people to challenge themselves to try something new.  Come take this journey with me while we explore and experiment with new creative opportunities while discovering your inner chameleon!          

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